Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Shola Reflection

When we arrived at Shola's studio kitchen it was not at all what I expected. It was like an apartment just full of cooking supplies, books, and a bunch of different types of foods. The first food he cooked us was cornbread, which was good, but a little grainy and not sweet at all. The reason behind that was because he forgot to put the sugar in. He then made the cheese soufflé with béchamel sauce. The texture of this was very slimy and it was made out of basically all cheese, which I do not tend to really like. I tried a bit of it and it was very salty and had a weird flavor to me that I just was not able to digest. Then Shola made pizza which was by far my favorite meal. It had a variety of cheeses on it and then a really good salami. It added a great touch to the pizza and it cooked in a very short amount of time with lots of bubbles. The last meal Shola cooked was the pasta with some type of irregular but very good meat sauce. He decorated the pasta bowl with artichoke paste which was unbelievably good noting that artichokes are not my favorite. The way he made the pasta was really interesting as it was very hard and grainy in the machine, but managed to push itself through the holes to make a curly shape pasta. Overall, my experience at Shola's was definitely one to remember and his appearance and showing was more than exceptional.

I wouldn't call Shola a chef nor a cook. He is both, as I feel that they are both the same thing. In my mind, I think that people just choose which one they are as they may feel as certain way about one or the other as one may sound more professional than the other. He was really good at making these meals, yet I still wouldn't define him as one or the other.

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